Can people with the longest legs jump the furthest?

This week we have taken part in a whole school experiment for British Science Week. We each took it in turns to do a 2 footed jump, standing behind a line. Our jump was measured from the line to our heels, and recorded in centimetres.
We then measured the legs (from heel to the top of hip bone) of the 3 children who jumped the furthest and the 3 who jumped the shortest lengths.

During Learning Time, the children wanted to extend their learning to compare their jumps with different animals and a world record breaking long jumper! They found they could jump further than a chipmunk and coyote but not as far as a rabbit or tiger! They found out hat they could jump further if they took a run up,and if they did a little jump before like competitors in the long jump do! They enjoyed recording their results and seeing if they could beat their distance!

We shared and discussed the results at the end of the week and found that although in our class, the children with the longest legs did jump the furthest, this was not the same result as children in other classes. When we researched this further, we found that having stronger legs muscles has more of an influence.

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